Membership options
Discovery Membership
- Only $25 to join for 12 months
- Discovery Level website access with online stories from Aeronotes, the magazine of the Australian Ballooning Federation
- View the ballooning events calendar
- Receive email communications
- Upgrade to full membership
Note: Discovery Members will not be able to vote or hold a position on the committee.
Affiliate Membership
- 12 month membership, renewal on 1st of January
- NO voting rights
- ABF021 - Nomination Form required
- For Individuals or Organisations
Note: Affiliate membership is for individuals or organisations with a common interest in ballooning or aviation but not requiring ordinary membership or voting rights. Approval by the ABF committee is required under the constitution.
Ordinary Membership
- 12 month membership, renewal on 1st of January
- Full voting rights
- Ability to stand for a position on the committee
- Access to Normal (Ordinary) Membership level documents on the ABF website including minutes of meetings and reports
- ABF021 - Nomination Form required
Note: Normal (Ordinary) Membership is appropriate for observers, pilots requiring an FAI License and members who want to have the maximum involvement in the ABF.